Object Browser      Back to Previous


The Object Browser panel allows you to view and work with the data elements in the report and available in the application. Within the Vector Securities application there are multiple types of objects; these include database elements such as attributes and metrics as well as application elements such as predefined filter objects and prompts. These objects are used to create and customize reports.

The Object Browser panel has the following views:

·        Report Objects - this view presents all the attributes and metrics selected to be included in the output dataset for the new or customized report.

·        All Objects - this view presents all the data objects in the application; this includes attributes, metrics and predefined filter objects.

·        Related Reports - this view displays all related reports that have at least one data element in common with the selected new or customized report.

Report Objects View      Back to Previous

The Report Objects view presents all attributes and metrics included in the output dataset of the report being displayed. Attributes and metrics that are currently included in the grid or graph are displayed with a grey font and those not included in the current view are displayed with black font.

You may move attributes and metrics off the current view of the output; these data elements are still included in the output dataset but are not included in the current grid or graph view. This simply hides the data elements from the grid or graph view, the output dataset is not regenerated. You may also remove data elements from the report all together. When you remove data elements from the report, it is re-executed and a new output dataset is generated excluding those data elements.

When you click the Report Objects navigator option 001.png the Report Objects panel is displayed in the Object Browser.

Attributes 002.png are noted with a cube icon and will provide an expandable drop down to select the attribute "form" to be displayed in the output. Attribute forms represent the different type of values associated with an attribute (e.g., for CBSA, the ID form is the numeric value of the CBSA and the DESC form is the description of the CBSA).

Application metrics 003.png are noted with a ruler. These metrics are defined as part of the overall application attributes and metrics available for reporting.

Derived metrics 004.png are noted with a function icon. These type of metrics represent calculations you have manually added to the report using application metrics currently included in the output dataset.




All Objects View      Back to Previous

This view option is similar to the Report Objects view but presents all attributes and metrics included in the application (as opposed to the Report Objects which only shows the attributes and metrics in the report output). You may add data elements to the current output dataset from this view. When you add a new data element, the report is re-executed and a new output dataset is generated with the addition of the selected attributes and/or metrics.

You may also customize the panel view to include a Shortcuts window that will provide a shortcut to the most commonly used application folder (e.g., Attributes, Metrics, My Reports) to access these without the need to navigate. This window will only be presented if you have shortcuts defined. To add an item to the shortcuts, right click the item and select the Shortcut option as demonstrated below to add the Metrics link to the Shortcuts window.

In the example to the left, the Shortcuts window 001.png has links to My Reports and Attributes folders. The list below is the current application folders for the highest search level within Vector Securities.

You may right-click an item in the list 002.png and add the folder to the Shortcuts window (e.g., Metrics folder will be added to the Shortcuts you have defined for your user account).


When you click the All Objects navigator option 001.png the All Objects panel is displayed in the Object Browser.


This view allows you to browse all application folders from the drop down list 002.png to find the data elements you would like to add to the report. You may also use the Find option to search for and select the data element by its name.

The Shortcuts window 003.png in the All Objects panel allows you to add the most commonly used application folders. This window will remain static as you navigate through application folders.

Note: The Metrics folder appears in the Shortcuts window after being added as shown in the example above.

The list of objects 004.png 003.png will be refreshed as you navigate through the application folders. The highest level of data objects in Vector Securities will display shortcuts to the most commonly used folders and data elements (e.g., Shared folders for filters, groups and prompts; a master list of attributes and metrics; or the data elements in your My Reports folder).

As with the Report Objects view, the attributes are identified with the cube icon and metrics with the ruler.




Related Reports View      Back to Previous

This view allows you to see all reports that are included in the folder where your current report is saved. If you have selected the Create Report option and have not saved the report, the current Create Report options are displayed in this panel. If you are viewing the Object Browser from the Report Output page, the folder where the original report definition is stored is used for the list of reports. You can run any of the reports included in this list directly from the Object Browser.

When you click the Related Reports navigator option 001.png the Related Reports panel is displayed in the Object Browser.

All reports that are contained in the folder where the current report is saved will be presented 002.png.

The current report is displayed with color text and the additional reports are presented as hyperlinks. These hyperlinks allow you to run the report directly from the Object Browser.
