Predefined Prompts      Back to Previous


Prompts allow you to specify parameters that guide users when requesting reports. How the user responds to the prompts determines the data that is included in the output. You may define as many prompts as needed to filter the source data and isolate the loans that you wish to analyze. These prompts are used for two purposes; the first is to standardize reports for ease of use, the second is to provide guidance in selecting data elements when requesting reports.

·        What type of predefined prompts are available?

·        How do I add a predefined prompt to a report filter?

·        How can I create a simple prompt for a report filter?

Types of Prompts      Back to Previous

There are four types of prompts that you may define as follows:

·        Attribute element list prompt - this type of prompt allows you to select values associated with an attribute to be used for filtering data to generate output.

When defining this prompt, you specify the attribute to be used and the list of values available for selection. The list of values may include all values associated with the attribute or a filtered list of values.

Show me how to define an Attribute Element Prompt.

·        Attribute qualification prompt - this type of prompt allows you to select the attribute(s) from a list and then the values associated with each attribute to be used for filtering data to generate output.

When defining this prompt, you specify one or more attributes available for selection. You cannot limit the list of values for each attribute, the full list of values is made available for selection when running a report with this type of prompt.

Show me how to define an Attribute Qualification Prompt.

·        Metric qualification prompt - this type of prompt allows you to select the metrics(s) from a list and then the values associated with each attribute to be used for filtering data to generate output.

When defining this prompt, you specify one or more metrics available for selection from the prompt. When running a report that uses this type of prompt, you specify the comparison value to filter the data to generate output.

Show me how to define a Metric Qualification Prompt.

·        Attribute Hierarchy qualification prompt - this type of prompt allows you select the level of the attribute hierarchy and the values to be included.

When defining this prompt, you specify one or more hierarchies defined for the application. When running a report that uses this type of prompt, you specify the hierarchy elements to use, the comparison operator for each hierarchy element and the values to filter the data and generate the output.

Show me how to define a Hierarchy Qualification Prompt.

Attribute Element Prompt      Back to Previous

When requesting a report, an attribute element prompt will display a list of values for a single attribute and allow you to select the values you wish to include in the output. This type of prompt will present you with a list of Available values and you move the desired values to a Selected list prior to running the report. Show me how to define an Attribute Element Prompt.

The following is an example of an Attribute Element prompt:


When the prompt is defined, you may specify if a selection is required as well as the minimum and maximum number of elements that may be selected. This information is presented as part of the description content on the prompt page.

The prompt setup also allows you to add a free format description that will be displayed on the report prompt page.

Additionally, if the list of values is large (e.g., more than can be displayed in one "page" of the Available list) you may enable search processing to allow the requestor to filter the list of values for selection.





This prompt has been defined to use the "shopping cart" type of prompt. The shopping cart view provides a list of elements (values) for the attribute (e.g., Data Type in the example) in an Available box. The list is automatically populated with the values associated with the attribute.

When you define the prompt, you may specify a custom list of Available values (e.g., limit the list of values that appear in the prompt).



The shopping cart type prompt allows you to move elements from the Available list to the Selected list using the arrow buttons (i.e., you select an element from the list and click the arrow to move only the selected values or all values).

Any element that appears in the Selected box will be included in the output. Those elements left in the Available box will be omitted.


Defining an Attribute Element Prompt      Back to Previous

Now that you have seen an example, the following steps guide you through defining an Attribute Element prompt:


Select the option to Create Prompt and then select the Attribute Element prompt option.

You may select the option from the hyperlinks at the top of each page or from the icon toolbar ribbon from Shared or My Reports


Prompt_CreatePromptHyperlink.png Prompt_CreatePromptIcon.png


Select the Attribute Element prompt option.

The Attribute Element Setup window is presented.



Definition Tab

This tab allows you to define the attribute associated with the prompt and the source of the list of values.

A.png Select the attribute associated with the prompt. There is a Select button that will present a dialog with a list of attributes. Once you select the attribute, the entry field is populated.

B.png Once you define the attribute, you must specify the list of elements within that attribute that may be selected. There are three options as follows:

List of all elements - this will simply list all values for the selected attribute (the most common setup).

Use a predefined list - this will allow you to select from a list of values for the specified attribute. You must click Add to add the elements. The Remove and Clear allow you to remove items from the list once they are added.

Use a filter to reduce the number of elements - this will allow you to build the list of available elements based on a predefined filter.



General Tab

This tab allows you to specify the instructions displayed and the prompt selection requirements.

A.png Title and Description are displayed when the prompt is used to run a report.

B.png When the box for prompt answer required is checked, the prompt must have at least one condition defined to run the report. The Min and Max number of answers controls the actual number allowed.

C.png D.png The Minimum and Maximum number of answers allows you to limit the number of conditions that may be added for this prompt (e.g., the min and max count of conditions).

E.png Personal Answers Allowed is used when you select the option to save the current answers for the prompt when running a report. You can save the selections on the prompt when running a report. This defines if (1) you can save your answers and (2) how many sets of answers you can save (i.e., one or multiple).

If you allow the user to save a single answer, a checkbox prompt is presented to specify if you wish to save the answer.

If you allow the user to save multiple answers, a checkbox prompt is presented to specify if you wish to save the answer and a Name field to name this answer and differentiate it from other saved answers for the prompt and report combination.



Style Tab

This tab allows you to specify the settings for the presentation of the prompt when used on a report.

A.png The Display Style defines the type of layout and provides a selection list of five layouts:

Shopping Cart - the most common for selection prompts, provides an Available list of values and a  Selected list to display those values you have selected for the prompt answer.

Radio Button - the values are listed with a radio button next to each value. If the radio button is selected, the value is selected.

Checkbox - the values are listed with a checkbox next to each value. If checked, the value is selected.

Pull Down - the values are listed in a drop down list box. You open the drop down list box and highlight the values you wish to select.

List - the values are displayed in a list box. You highlight the values you wish to select.

B.png The Fixed Textbox Width and Height allow you to specify the size of the selection controls. This is applied to all Style types.

C.png The Orientation options define how the prompt options are arranged and the items per column/row (depending on alignment) specify the maximum number of prompt options are displayed per row/column. These settings are only applied for the Styles of Radio Button and Checkbox.

D.png The Show Search box allows you to include a search option to the prompt values to limit the list based on the search. Once enabled, you may also specify if the search results show a folder structure and how high up the folder structure you can search.



Attribute Qualification Prompt      Back to Previous

An attribute qualification prompt allows you to provide a list of one or more attributes for filter selection when requesting a report. When this type of prompt is added to a report, you are presented with the list of attribute(s) in an Available selection box; you move an attribute to the Selected box and specify the conditions for the filter. The number of attributes you may use is defined when you configure the prompt. The output is then generated based on those conditions. Show me how to define an Attribute Qualification Prompt.

The following is an example of an attribute qualification prompt with each of the geographic attributes:


When the prompt is defined, you may specify if a selection is required as well as the minimum and maximum number of elements that may be selected. This information is presented as part of the description content on the prompt page.

The prompt setup also allows you to add a free format description that will be displayed on the report prompt page.






This prompt has been defined to use the "shopping cart" presentation. The shopping cart view provides a list of attributes in an Available list box. The list is populated with the attributes you specified in the setup.



The shopping cart type prompt allows you to move elements from the Available list to the Selected list using the arrow buttons (i.e., you select an element from the list and click the arrow to move only the selected values or all values).

Once you move an attribute to the Selected box, you must specify the list of values to be included/excluded from the output.

If multiple selections are allowed, you must also specify the join operator between these conditions. This is not demonstrated in the sample screen shot.


Defining an Attribute Qualification Prompt      Back to Previous

Now that you have seen an example, the following steps guide you through defining an Attribute Qualification prompt:


Select the option to Create Prompt and then select the Attribute Qualification prompt option.

You may select the option from the hyperlinks at the top of each page or from the icon toolbar ribbon from Shared or My Reports


Prompt_CreatePromptHyperlink.png Prompt_CreatePromptIcon.png


Select the Attribute Qualification prompt option.

The Attribute Qualification Setup window is presented.



Definition Tab

This tab allows you to define the attributes associated with the prompt.

A.png Select the option to populate the list of attributes for the qualify prompt.

You may specify one attribute, a list of attributes or build the list as a result of a search. When you click the button for the option you wish to use, the corresponding command buttons become enabled and allow you to search for attributes and, or the second option, allows you to remove a selected item or clear the entire selection list.

The first two options will display a popup window to search for and select either a single attribute (for first option) or multiple attributes (for second option).

The Search option allows you to specify a search object that will populate the list of attributes for selection. This option provides limited functionality as you cannot create a search object.

B.png Once you define the attribute, you must specify attribute forms available for selection when defining the condition.

Attribute forms represent the different type of values for the attribute. In general terms, each attribute has an ID which represents the numeric value for the attribute value (e.g., for CBSA, it would be the CBSA code) and at least one DESC which represents the text value (e.g., the name of the CBSA area). It is recommended you leave this at the default of All Attribute Forms.



General Tab

This tab allows you to specify the instructions displayed and the prompt selection requirements.

A.png Title and Description are displayed when the prompt is used to run a report.

B.png When the box for prompt answer required is checked, the prompt must have at least one condition defined to run the report. The Min and Max number of answers controls the actual number allowed.

C.png D.png The Minimum and Maximum number of answers allows you to limit the number of conditions that may be added for this prompt (e.g., the min and max count of conditions).

E.png Personal Answers Allowed is used when you select the option to save the current answers for the prompt when running a report. You can save the selections on the prompt when running a report. This defines if (1) you can save your answers and (2) how many sets of answers you can save (i.e., one or multiple).

If you allow the user to save a single answer, a checkbox prompt is presented to specify if you wish to save the answer.

If you allow the user to save multiple answers, a checkbox prompt is presented to specify if you wish to save the answer and a Name field to name this answer and differentiate it from other saved answers for the prompt and report combination.



Style Tab

This tab allows you to specify the settings for the presentation of the prompt when used on a report.

A.png The Display Style defines the type of layout and provides a selection list of five layouts:

Shopping Cart - the most common for selection prompts, provides an Available list of values and a  Selected list to display those values you have selected for the prompt answer.

Radio Button - the values are listed with a radio button next to each value. If the radio button is selected, the value is selected.

Checkbox - the values are listed with a checkbox next to each value. If checked, the value is selected.

Pull Down - the values are listed in a drop down list box. You open the drop down list box and highlight the values you wish to select.

List - the values are displayed in a list box. You highlight the values you wish to select.

B.png The Fixed Textbox Width and Height allow you to specify the size of the selection controls. This is applied to all Style types.

C.png The Orientation options define how the prompt options are arranged and the items per column/row (depending on alignment) specify the maximum number of prompt options are displayed per row/column. These settings are only applied for the Styles of Radio Button and Checkbox.

D.png The Show Search box allows you to include a search option to the prompt values to limit the list based on the search. Once enabled, you may also specify if the search results show a folder structure and how high up the folder structure you can search.



Qualification Tab

This tab allows you to specify the type of comparison operators available for individual conditions and the join operator handling when multiple conditions are joined together within the prompt answers.

A.png The "expressions" represent the comparison operators allowed for a condition. You may specify Qualify expression operators (e.g., "Equal To", "Greater Than", etc), or Select expression operators (e.g., "In List" or "Not In List") or allow both. You may also specify the default expression and the default operator within the expression choice.

B.png The maximum number of elements per list allow you to limit the number of value selections within one condition when you have specified a Select expression (e.g., you will only allow 5 CBSA codes to be selected for each condition).

C.png Allow element import and browse options determine if you wish to enable aids for selecting values.

The Import option allows you to import values to populate the list in a condition (e.g., import a list of zip codes for a prompt on Zip Code if available in the application).

The Browse option allows you to enable a Browse hyperlink within the prompt selection that displays all values available for selection from the source data (e.g., a list of CBSA codes that are supported in the application).

D.png These fields control the application of join operators when defining multiple conditions in the prompt answer  (e.g., AND, OR, AND NOT, OR NOT).

The additional fields indicate if modification of the default join operator is allowed and if the there is one join operator for all conditions or individual join operators between each condition.



Metric Qualification Prompt      Back to Previous

A metric qualification prompt allows you to provide a list of one or more metrics for filter selection when requesting a report. When this type of prompt is added to a report, you are presented with the list of metric(s) in an Available selection box; you move a metric to the Selected box and specify the conditions for the filter. The number of metrics you may use is defined when you configure the prompt. The output is then generated based on those conditions. Show me how to define a Metric Qualification Prompt.

The following is an example of an metric qualification prompt with selected loan count and balance metrics:


When the prompt is defined, you may specify if a selection is required as well as the minimum and maximum number of elements that may be selected. This information is presented as part of the description content on the prompt page.

The prompt setup also allows you to add a free format description that will be displayed on the report prompt page.






This prompt has been defined to use the "shopping cart" presentation. The shopping cart view provides a list of metrics in an Available list box. The list is populated with the metrics you specified in the setup.



The shopping cart type prompt allows you to move elements from the Available list to the Selected list using the arrow buttons (i.e., you select an element from the list and click the arrow to move only the selected values or all values).

Once you move a metric to the Selected box, you must specify value and comparison operator for the condition.

If multiple selections are allowed, you must also specify the join operator between these conditions. This is not demonstrated in the sample screen shot.


Defining a Metric Qualification Prompt      Back to Previous

Now that you have seen an example, the following steps guide you through defining a Metric Qualification prompt:


Select the option to Create Prompt and then select the Metric Qualification prompt option.

You may select the option from the hyperlinks at the top of each page or from the icon toolbar ribbon from Shared or My Reports


Prompt_CreatePromptHyperlink.png Prompt_CreatePromptIcon.png


Select the Metric Qualification prompt option.

The Metric Qualification Setup window is presented.



Definition Tab

This tab allows you to define the attributes associated with the prompt.

Select the option to populate the list of metrics for the qualify prompt.

You may specify one metric, a list of metrics or build the list as a result of a search.

When you click the button for the option you wish to use, the corresponding command buttons become enabled and allow you to search for metrics and, or the second option, allows you to remove a selected item or clear the entire selection list.

The first two options will display a popup window to search for and select either a single metric (for first option) or multiple metrics (for second option).

The Search option allows you to specify a search object that will populate the list of metrics for selection. This option provides limited functionality as you cannot create a search object.




General Tab

This tab allows you to specify the instructions displayed and the prompt selection requirements.

A.png Title and Description are displayed when the prompt is used to run a report.

B.png When the box for prompt answer required is checked, the prompt must have at least one condition defined to run the report. The Min and Max number of answers controls the actual number allowed.

C.png D.png The Minimum and Maximum number of answers allows you to limit the number of conditions that may be added for this prompt (e.g., the min and max count of conditions).

E.png Personal Answers Allowed is used when you select the option to save the current answers for the prompt when running a report. You can save the selections on the prompt when running a report. This defines if (1) you can save your answers and (2) how many sets of answers you can save (i.e., one or multiple).

If you allow the user to save a single answer, a checkbox prompt is presented to specify if you wish to save the answer.

If you allow the user to save multiple answers, a checkbox prompt is presented to specify if you wish to save the answer and a Name field to name this answer and differentiate it from other saved answers for the prompt and report combination.



Style Tab

This tab allows you to specify the settings for the presentation of the prompt when used on a report.

A.png The Display Style defines the type of layout and provides a selection list of five layouts:

Shopping Cart - the most common for selection prompts, provides an Available list of values and a  Selected list to display those values you have selected for the prompt answer.

Radio Button - the values are listed with a radio button next to each value. If the radio button is selected, the value is selected.

Checkbox - the values are listed with a checkbox next to each value. If checked, the value is selected.

Pull Down - the values are listed in a drop down list box. You open the drop down list box and highlight the values you wish to select.

List - the values are displayed in a list box. You highlight the values you wish to select.

B.png The Fixed Textbox Width and Height allow you to specify the size of the selection controls. This is applied to all Style types.

C.png The Orientation options define how the prompt options are arranged and the items per column/row (depending on alignment) specify the maximum number of prompt options are displayed per row/column. These settings are only applied for the Styles of Radio Button and Checkbox.

D.png The Show Search box allows you to include a search option to the prompt values to limit the list based on the search. Once enabled, you may also specify if the search results show a folder structure and how high up the folder structure you can search.



Qualification Tab

This tab allows you to specify the type of comparison operators available for individual conditions and the join operator handling when multiple conditions are joined together within the prompt answers.

A.png You may specify the default operator within the condition (e.g., Equals, Greater than or equal to, etc) and the default operator between conditions (e.g., AND, OR, AND NOT, OR NOT).

B.png  These fields control the application of join operators when defining multiple conditions in the prompt answer  (e.g., AND, OR, AND NOT, OR NOT).

The additional fields indicate if modification of the default join operator is allowed and if the there is one join operator for all conditions or individual join operators between each condition.

C.png The checkbox to Display Output Level Indicator enables the ability to specify the level at which the metric value is determined.

This will enable a Level value for the metric qualification prompt when requesting a report. The default level is "Metric" which uses the lowest level of granularity based on the attribute dimension cutoff values.



Hierarchy Qualification Prompt      Back to Previous

A hierarchy qualification prompt allows you to provide a predefined attribute hierarchy within a prompt to specify the attributes to be included when filtering output. When this type of prompt is added to a report, you are presented with the list of attribute(s) within the hierarchy in an Available selection box; you move an attribute to the Selected box and specify the conditions for the filter. The number of hierarchy attributes you may use is defined when you configure the prompt. The output is then generated based on those conditions. Show me how to define a Hierarchy Qualification Prompt.

The following is an example of a hierarchy qualification prompt with the Deal hierarchy of deal, pool and loan:


When the prompt is defined, you may specify if a selection is required as well as the minimum and maximum number of elements that may be selected. This information is presented as part of the description content on the prompt page.

The prompt setup also allows you to add a free format description that will be displayed on the report prompt page.






This prompt has been defined to use the "shopping cart" presentation. The shopping cart view provides a list of hierarchies in an Available list box. The list is populated with the hierarchies you specified in the setup.



The shopping cart type prompt allows you to move elements from the Available list to the Selected list using the arrow buttons (i.e., you select an element from the list and click the arrow to move only the selected values or all values).

Once you move a hierarchy attribute to the Selected box, you must specify value(s) and comparison operator for the condition.

If multiple selections are allowed, you must also specify the join operator between these conditions. This is not demonstrated in the sample screen shot.


Defining a Hierarchy Qualification Prompt      Back to Previous

Now that you have seen an example, the following steps guide you through defining a Hierarchy Qualification prompt:


Select the option to Create Prompt and then select the Metric Qualification prompt option.

You may select the option from the hyperlinks at the top of each page or from the icon toolbar ribbon from Shared or My Reports


Prompt_CreatePromptHyperlink.png Prompt_CreatePromptIcon.png


Select the Hierarchy Qualification prompt option.

The Hierarchy Qualification Setup window is presented.



Definition Tab

This tab allows you to define the hierarchy associated with the prompt.

Select the option you wish to use to populate the list of hierarchies for the qualify prompt.

You may specify all hierarchies, one hierarchy, a list of hierarchies or build the list as a result of a search.

When you click the button for the option you wish to use, the corresponding command buttons become enabled and allow you to search for metrics and, or the second option, allows you to remove a selected item or clear the entire selection list.

The second and third options will display a popup window to search for and select either a single metric (for first option) or multiple metrics (for second option).

The Search option allows you to specify a search object that will populate the list of metrics for selection. This option provides limited functionality as you cannot create a search object.



General Tab

This tab allows you to specify the instructions displayed and the prompt selection requirements.

A.png Title and Description are displayed when the prompt is used to run a report.

B.png When the box for prompt answer required is checked, the prompt must have at least one condition defined to run the report. The Min and Max number of answers controls the actual number allowed.

C.png D.png The Minimum and Maximum number of answers allows you to limit the number of conditions that may be added for this prompt (e.g., the min and max count of conditions).

E.png Personal Answers Allowed is used when you select the option to save the current answers for the prompt when running a report. You can save the selections on the prompt when running a report. This defines if (1) you can save your answers and (2) how many sets of answers you can save (i.e., one or multiple).

If you allow the user to save a single answer, a checkbox prompt is presented to specify if you wish to save the answer.

If you allow the user to save multiple answers, a checkbox prompt is presented to specify if you wish to save the answer and a Name field to name this answer and differentiate it from other saved answers for the prompt and report combination.



Style Tab

This tab allows you to specify the settings for the presentation of the prompt when used on a report.

A.png The Display Style defines the type of layout and provides a selection list of five layouts:

Tree - provides a tree view with each element of the hierarchy in the Available list of values displayed in order of hierarchy and a  Selected list to display those values you have selected for the prompt answer.

Radio Button - the values are listed with a radio button next to each value. If the radio button is selected, the value is selected.

Checkbox - the values are listed with a checkbox next to each value. If checked, the value is selected.

Pull Down - the values are listed in a drop down list box. You open the drop down list box and highlight the values you wish to select.

List - the values are displayed in a list box. You highlight the values you wish to select.

B.png The Fixed Textbox Width and Height allow you to specify the size of the selection controls. This is applied to all Style types.

C.png The Orientation options define how the prompt options are arranged and the items per column/row (depending on alignment) specify the maximum number of prompt options are displayed per row/column. These settings are only applied for the Styles of Radio Button and Checkbox.

D.png The Show Search box allows you to include a search option to the prompt values to limit the list based on the search. Once enabled, you may also specify if the search results show a folder structure and how high up the folder structure you can search.



Qualification Tab

This tab allows you to specify the type of comparison operators available for individual conditions and the join operator handling when multiple conditions are joined together within the prompt answers.

A.png The "expressions" represent the comparison operators allowed for a condition. You may specify Qualify expression operators (e.g., "Equal To", "Greater Than", etc), or Select expression operators (e.g., "In List" or "Not In List") or allow both. You may also specify the default expression and the default operator within the expression choice.

B.png The maximum number of elements per list allow you to limit the number of value selections within one condition when you have specified a Select expression (e.g., you will only allow 5 deals to be selected for each deal condition).

C.png Allow element import and browse options determine if you wish to enable aids for selecting values.

The Import option allows you to import values to populate the list in a condition (e.g., import a list of zip codes for a prompt on Zip Code if available in the application).

D.png These fields control the application of join operators when defining multiple conditions in the prompt answer  (e.g., AND, OR, AND NOT, OR NOT).

The additional fields indicate if modification of the default join operator is allowed and if the there is one join operator for all conditions or individual join operators between each condition.



Adding a Predefined Prompt to a Report Filter      Back to Previous

Once you have defined your prompts based on the type of prompt you wish to use, you must then add it to a report. Since a prompt is a set of conditions used to filter data, prompts are added to a report as a Report Filter when the report is defined or from the Design Mode when viewing a report. To do this:


Access the Create Report option or access the Design Model for an existing report.



Prompt_CreateReportOption.png         Prompt_DesignMode.png    


Add the Prompt to your report

Using the browse options from the All Objects selection in the Report Editor, search for and select the prompt you wish to add to the report.

When added, it will appear in the Report Filter panel as a shortcut.

Note: Since this prompt is predefined and only linked to the report setup with a shortcut, any modifications to the prompt will be reflected in the linked reports.



Save the report setup with the prompt added.

When you click the Save or Save As option, any prompts that you have defined for the report will be presented for you to complete. This is necessary to be able to save the report.

Once you complete the prompt, the Save dialog window is presented and you can set options to handle the prompt and the settings you have selected.

A.png If you wish to present the prompt each time the report is requested, check the Keep Report Prompted box. This is recommended, if this box is not checked the prompt(s) will not be included in the report and the current prompt answers will be used each time the report is requested.

B.png If you wish to use the current prompt responses as the default for the report, check the Set the Current Prompt Answers to be the Default box in the Advanced Options.

If you check this box, the answers will be saved and used each time the report is requested, but the prompt answers may be changed when the report is requested.

